Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I am 100% Dedicated To My Healthy Lifestyle Goals - How Can I Prevent Sabotage From My Friends & Family?

Be aware that when you decide to take action and focus on a healthy lifestyle that it may be hard for people around you to accept the change. After all so many of our social activities these days revolve around eating unhealthy food and consuming decadent beverages.

So what can you do about it?

It is possible that some people may just be testing your limits to see how serious you are so remember why you made the choice to get healthy in the first place and be strong. Over time people will come around when they see how important this is to you and how committed you are to your goals.

On the other hand if people continue to act less than supportive you may find that you need to put some distance between yourself and those individuals - at least for a while.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Celebrate The Milestones Along The Way

Today I reached a new milestone on my own personal journey towards optimal health. I am proud to share that my weight is the lowest it has been in 20 years and I feel phenomenol!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Success Tip

Mix up your meal plans, enjoy lots of colors and keep things exciting! Here is a great recipe: Mix 4oz fresh chopped cooked all natural chicken breast, 3 cups fresh veggies including diced tomato, green, yellow and red peppers,... steamed asparagus, 1/3 cup whole grain pasta, 1 TB olive oil, pinch of sea salt and pepper, top with fresh basil and mozzarella. Enjoy !!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why Cleanse?

It is second nature for us to schedule maintenance to clean out the filters on our cars, our heating and air vents, heck we even clean the filter on our dryer regularly. But when was the last time you scheduled maintenance to clean your body?

Over time, impurities from the environment, your food and water build up and cause your body to function less efficiently.

Our system helps rid your body of unwanted impurities with gentle cleansing herbs such as Pau D'arco, Yellow Dock and Aloe Vera while infusing it with vital nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. So, your body can function more effectively.

There is also a side benefit to eliminating the toxins - and that is fat loss. Fat tends to stick like glue to toxins stored in our bodies. Release the toxins and the fat follows.

Other benefits include:

* Boost in energy
* Reduced cravings for unhealthy food
* Improved muscle tone
* Balanced digestion

To learn more about our Cleanse program contact me directly at 602-361-1074 or visit www.LiveWellWithLisa.com.