Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I am 100% Dedicated To My Healthy Lifestyle Goals - How Can I Prevent Sabotage From My Friends & Family?

Be aware that when you decide to take action and focus on a healthy lifestyle that it may be hard for people around you to accept the change. After all so many of our social activities these days revolve around eating unhealthy food and consuming decadent beverages.

So what can you do about it?

It is possible that some people may just be testing your limits to see how serious you are so remember why you made the choice to get healthy in the first place and be strong. Over time people will come around when they see how important this is to you and how committed you are to your goals.

On the other hand if people continue to act less than supportive you may find that you need to put some distance between yourself and those individuals - at least for a while.